⇠ I’m as cynical as the next guy, BUT …

Your problem, not mine ⇢

Do you see what I see?

A post I read this morning reminded me of my high school art classes.

When everyone has the same Mac and the same internet, the difference between hackneyed graphic design and extraordinary graphic design is just one thing—the ability to see.

Our teacher constantly reminded us that anyone can draw, so the important thing to learn is how to see. He drove that point home over and over and over again. So much so that I still tell that to anyone who tells me he can’t draw.

As a matter of fact, I’ve come to believe that applies to all art forms. Both my children have a real interest in writing and photography, and I remind them all the time that the key is to see something – and then share what *you* see.

⇠ I’m as cynical as the next guy, BUT …

Your problem, not mine ⇢