⇠ Stripping speech of all meaning

How Brad Feld and Pierre Robert made my Friday ⇢

Hair Metal Mondays – Tuesday Edition

I haven’t been very faithful with my Heavy Metal Mondays posts. The plan was to queue them up over the weekend, but I’ve not done that. I intentionally skipped one yesterday, because I have a few posts I want to get out into the wild.

But then I decided I needed to get this one in to set the stage for tomorrow’s post.

Many of you might not agree that Bon Jovi is a hair metal band. I disagree. Firstly, they made their name as a hair band – perhaps not metal, but hair for sure. Secondly, they are a better band than many rockers will admit.

Like many metal-heads, I didn’t care much for Bon Jovi when they arrived on the music scene. I thought what they produced was bubble gum rock at best. As the years have past I’ve developed a respect for their music for several reasons.

One, Terri is a huge fan. This means we buy all the music, have seen the band live ( I almost killed a man in the pit one time ), and listen to A LOT of Bon Jovi when Terri is in the car. Two, I relate to their music. The band members are not much older than I, and hail from a village not far from mine.

Three, the greatest rock and roll DJ of all time, a man I’ve listened to for thirty years, is their biggest fan. His respect for the band is contagious.

He played a work force block of Bon Jovi on Friday. It was a great set – Bad Medicine, Have a Nice Day, Because We Can, It’s My Life, and Saturday Night – three of which are favorites of mine, but I wanted to pick one to feature.

This song always reminds me of my dad. If you’ve seen Bon Jovi perform this song, you understand the tone. My dad would never have been quite as rude, but he had a similar attitude – “don’t like what I’m doing, have a nice day.” :)


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⇠ Stripping speech of all meaning

How Brad Feld and Pierre Robert made my Friday ⇢