⇠ The "fine line" between discipline and abuse

What would change your mind? ⇢

Nobody can tell me what to do

Almost every conversation I have with a conservative about a political issue comes down to “you can’t make me!”

Honestly, I get it. As a real libertarian, I understand the argument for a smaller, less powerful government. I really do. That itself is an important issue. I also understand that oppression comes from sources other than goverment.

But I am tired of every other issue coming down to that one.

The debate over the ownership of guns is an excellent case study, because it is not, by any means, a simple issue. Sam Harris wrote an excellent piece almost two years ago about the complexity of the issue and the fact that both sides really do have good arguments. That’s the point. There is an issue to be discussed. There may be moral, ethical, and practical decisions to make. This is NOT just about making legislation.

I remember having a discussion with a friend a few years back and I mentioned the movie Super Size Me. I am a big fan of films and I enjoy documentaries. This is not a favorite, but it is fun to talk about because I don’t like anything about McDonald’s ( especially the food ). My friend quickly stopped that thread of our discussion cold with some kind of comment about the “liberal agenda” or some such nonsense. It seemed he couldn’t appreciate the substance of the film ( which perhaps was slight ) or have an intelligent discussion about the premise without thinking immediately about how some mysterious dictator out to tell him he was not allowed to eat at McDonald’s.

I know, I know. There are people who make rules about what size soda one should be allowed to buy. I’m with you. I have the right to buy any size soda I please. There must be, though, a time to discusss the merits of guzzling soda from a cup so large Ted Kennedy could drop an Oldsmobile into it ( ht, Dennis Miller ).

Bottom line? Just because I want to talk about the environment or guns or bad food choices doesn’t mean I want to criminalize your bacon and egg smothered burger. You can eat it, but I’m allowed to say what it is - a bad idea.

BTW, one of the most perplexing things in the universe to me is why many of these same people who don’t want to be told what to do support laws against abortion and gay marriage. Talk about being told what to do!

⇠ The "fine line" between discipline and abuse

What would change your mind? ⇢