⇠ Duck Duck Go

The “Silly” Things ⇢

Science and Religion

I recently found myself in another debate about the age of the earth, and it occurred to me that I should write a series of blog posts on the subject.

I know some who think the debate isn’t worth having, but I disagree. I agree with fellow Christians that it’s not an essential “salvation issue” but I think it does raise questions – important ones – about the nature of reality, the reliability of science, and our ability to believe or know anything.

I know some will think I’m overstating it, but I firmly believe the debate over the Earth’s age is a symptom of a bigger problem.

So, I’ve decided to post weekly on a topic related to science and religion. Right now I plan to do these in series, with the first being about the age of the Earth. Obviously, I may stray into other issues of faith and practice – politics, economics, ethics, etc. We’ll see how it goes.

I haven’t decided on a particular day for this, but he plan for someday next week is “Possible Interpretations for Genesis Chapter One” (and maybe I’ll do chapter two also).

⇠ Duck Duck Go

The “Silly” Things ⇢