⇠ Is Google Losing Its Mind

Thou Shalt Not … ⇢

T-E-B-O-W, Tebow! Tebow! Tebow!

I’ve been a Jets fan since the mid 70s and a Gators fan since the early 90s. I’ve also been a huge fan of Tim Tebow since he started with the Gators. I’ve followed his career and public work for years. Though I’m a huge fan, I’ve always thought he would be a worse than average NFL quarterback at best. Though I’m a fellow Christian, I have disagreed with Tebow on a few matters of faith and practice.

Now Tebow has become a Jet and I am excited. Perhaps not as excited as he is ( see video below :) ), but I do think this is a good move for the Jets. I think Tebow may very well light a fire under Sanchez. I also think Tebow gives us the real option from time to time. The reason the option doesn’t work in pro football most of the time is that the QB running it is not a legitimate threat to pass. Tebow is. I know some of you are laughing. What I mean is that Tebow does pass. He may not pass well, but he does pass.

As a Jets fan …

I thought Peyton Manning would have been a better fit, but I agree with this guy – why complain about it? Why not let it ride and see what happens?

As a Christian …

I’m offended by articles like this one. The author is implying that Tim Tebow doesn’t belong in New York because he is a Christian.

As a reasonable person …

I disagree with articles like this one. The author implies that Tebow doesn’t belong in New York because of his views on homosexuality. Tebow and I may not agree on this issue, but I certainly don’t agree that he doesn’t belong in New York City because of it.

⇠ Is Google Losing Its Mind

Thou Shalt Not … ⇢