⇠ Hair Metal Mondays: We’re Not Gonna’ Take It

Creation “Science” is not Science ⇢

Will Marissa Mayer Save Flickr?

A couple of months ago, I started thinking about ditching Flickr in favor of some other service. I quickly learned that others had searched in vain for a replacement. Like the author of this post, I decided that alternatives were not much better. Certainly not “better enough” for me to switch.

Not long after my son mentioned to me that he was planning to switch. I told him what I had learned and we just left it at that. He continued to use it. We had the same conversation about a week ago.

Then yesterday, he was testing and experimenting with alternative services while we watched Breaking Bad. Once again, I agreed with him that there really should be a better service, but I’ve not found one that motivated me to switch. (I’m not a photographer and I go for months without posting). His next comment was really the problem with Flickr, and with all Yahoo! properties, if you ask me.

He said, “I just don’t want Yahoo! to destroy it.”

A few minutes later when I picked up my iPad to check Twitter, Facebook, and G+, everyone was talking about the same thing – Marissa Mayer, the new CEO at Yahoo!. Almost everyone in my circles was thrilled by the news. It seems there might be hope for Yahoo!

So, maybe there is hope for Flickr!

⇠ Hair Metal Mondays: We’re Not Gonna’ Take It

Creation “Science” is not Science ⇢