⇠ Happy Birthday Dad

If I read his name one more time… ⇢

Belief Quiz

I found this belief quiz very interesting. Twenty multiple choice question you can answer and rank importance for. The first time I took the quiz, I scored a follows:

  1. Orthodox Quaker (100%)
  2. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (92%)
  3. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (88%)

This seemed about right, although I consider myself leaning toward the liberal more than conservative. Then I had an idea. Answer the questions the same but click High for importance on all issues. I had a suspicion this would raise my score as a conservative, and I was correct. Then another idea. Answer the questions about creation/evolution in a more liberal fashion. Sure enough, that raised my liberal score, dropped my conservative score and my quaker score dove. One more thing. Change my answers on questions 13 – 16. These are the questions about abortion, gay rights, gender roles, and divorce. I found it very interesting that this had a large impact on my scores. (It brought my *conservative * score to 100%.) I’m not sure that should be.

⇠ Happy Birthday Dad

If I read his name one more time… ⇢