⇠ Past Life

The Future of Work ⇢

A Kick Ass Philanthropist

Well, maybe not …

My 12in12 goal this month was to back a different kickstarter project every day. To be honest, I thought this would be easy after the first two months. I was wrong.

In January, my goal was to stick to my morning routine – get up early and read before I started work for the day. Not only did I stick to it every day in January, but I have every day since except for February 1.

In February, it was back on a good diet. I stuck to that very well in February, but not as well since.

I knew finding a project I cared enough about to back every day might not be that easy, so I even cheated a bit. I spent the last couple days of February finding and saving some projects I might back in the event I got stuck one day.

All I needed to do was login, find a project, back it, and write about it.

I’m ashamed to admit that I failed to do just that 11 out of 31 times. Well, unless you don’t count this one.

⇠ Past Life

The Future of Work ⇢