⇠ Coincidence?

Update on Dad ⇢

Big Sale

Every year our civic association plans a community-wide yard sale. With more than five hundred homes in our neighborhood, this event draws a lot of attention from yard sale junkies. Our first opportunity to participate was in May 2003. Billy and Becky were thrilled but rain spoiled the entire weekend. We were anxiously awaiting this year’s event. We made three trips to our storage unit (which we have vowed to downsize by <crossing_fingers> 8/28/2004 </crossing_fingers>), helped the children sort through mountains of toys and made plans for drawing traffic back into our ‘no outlet’ portion of the neighborhood. We were ready! The day had arrived.

In the end we were able to unload a huge pile of ‘junk’ and make a few dollars, but most importantly we had a fun day.

My son would like you to know that he earned the largest gross profit.

⇠ Coincidence?

Update on Dad ⇢