⇠ The Greatest Band of Our Time

Great Idea: Blackboard Blogging ⇢

Book Review: A Brief History of Time

Twenty-one years ago today a masterpiece was published.

In A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking attempts the impossible. His mission is to explain incredibly complicated theories in a way that is understandable to the average reader. In less than 300 pages Hawking covers topics like the nature of time and space, the origin of the universe, black holes, and time travel.

In an attempt to make the book even more accessible, an illustrated, updated and expanded edition was published in 1996. Hawking claims in the foreword that

Even if you only look at the pictures and their captions, you should get some idea of what is going on. (empasis mine)</p> I think the key words here are some idea. The ideas in the book are very difficult to understand.

I’ve read the book twice, but like many people I suppose, I’ve also read parts of it from time to time and shared it with friends over the years. What I find fascinating is that I enjoy reading it even through the passages where I feel a little foggy. It’s brilliantly done and the illustrated edition includes dozens of wonderful images which make it a pleasure to pick up and review every once in a while – when you are in an intellectual or contemplative mood especially.

⇠ The Greatest Band of Our Time

Great Idea: Blackboard Blogging ⇢