⇠ What Is the Meaning of Science?

Family Friday: Working Hard or Hardly Working ⇢

But it displeased Jonah

I’ve heard the story of Jonah many times. I’ve read and studied it myself and I’ve considered this lesson before, but it really struck me the other day as I listened to those words during my devotional time. The selection for the day was the book of Jonah. This phrase struck me so much that I listened to the book a second time to get a sense for what Jonah must have been thinking.

God told him to go and tell the people of Nineveh that their city would be overthrown. After he fled in fear for his life, God had to persuade him to do as he was told. He repented and God gave him another chance, and he followed through on God’s command.

After hearing the bad news, the people of Nineveh repented and God decided to spare them.

But it displease Jonah exceedingly Jonah 4:1

Isn’t that just like all of us? Other people don’t deserve the kind of treatment we get.

⇠ What Is the Meaning of Science?

Family Friday: Working Hard or Hardly Working ⇢