⇠ The Electoral College

I’m Back ⇢

Christian Conservative

Late in July, I caught this post at Christian Conservative. My first reaction was anger. I thought it was inappropriate and very much out of context. My plan was to re-read and thoughfully mark it up with comments, but when I returned to it I was upset once again. Now that I return to my blog after a brief vacation, I would like to get this finished. Problem is – I no longer feel like expending the effort. I read through it again, but all I have to say is the obvious. President Truman’s comments were not in reference to our current war and I find it disrespectful to presume what Truman would say about this ‘war.’ One of the comments to this post is worth quoting too:

For now, I’ll just point out that Harry Truman was the originator of the phrase “The Buck stops here.”So there’s no way I see him allowing people as genuinely and arrogantly incompetent as Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et al, bungle something as important as managing a conquered country.– jim b

BTW, does anyone else think that asking if Truman would approve of dropping bombs is begging the question.

⇠ The Electoral College

I’m Back ⇢