⇠ Cool Online Clocks

Open: A [Disturbing and Fascinating] Autobiography ⇢

Difficult Ideas Explained in Pictures

I have a habit of browsing the Internet every day for fun and interesting content. While doing so the other day I ran into two pages that very simply explained complex ideas. So I set off on a journey to find more of these.

The first one I found was A Guide to the Open Internet. A very simple explanation (though long) indeed.

The next was an image

Schrodinger's Cat is DEAD

which perfectly explains that Schrodinger’s Cat is not simultaneously dead and alive at the same time (a common misconception) but that it depends on the observation. Excellent!

Another excellent take on Schrodinger’s Cat is this T-shirt at ThinkGeek.com – be sure to view both sides. :)

Finding more of these proved difficult but I did find a few – especially in the area of politics. Here they are …

The First Law of Thermodynamics

The First Law of Thermodynamics

Politics and Religion


Why some Christians opposed the war in Iraq (and other “military actions”).

Greater love hath no man than he lay down the lives of a thousand of your sons and daughters in the name of ideology and personal glory.


A government program is not necessarily socialism – or perhaps socialism isn’t that bad?

It's the end of the world as we know it. {.mceTemp}

Socialism vs. Capitalism


And Finally

These might not be accurate but they were just too funny to pass up. The libertarian ones, especially, are based on a different view than I espouse.


⇠ Cool Online Clocks

Open: A [Disturbing and Fascinating] Autobiography ⇢