⇠ Favorite Films Seen in 2011

Interesting Sites – 1/8/2012 ⇢

Everything I Need Is Right Here in Front of Me


The Muppets

No drums! No drums! Jack Black said no drums!

This movie was nothing but a good time. It had all the same goofiness and silly self-awareness of the muppets TV show. I can’t remember the last time I felt so good after a film.


Super 8


Oh, drugs are so bad!

Not a big fan of alien movies, but this was a blast. I’m a film lover myself and I would have been just about the same age as the main characters in the film, so it was a nostalgic ride.




Rather than helping people with horse problems, I’m helping horses with people problems.

A moving story about how one man turned his own personal tragedy into a passion to help people and horses. A must see documentary for anyone who loves animals or personal stories.




You mean, like a doctor?

Much better than I expected. A story about human nature supported by the immanent threat of danger. Thoroughly enjoyable.


Life in a Day


What do you fear?

It simply felt right to watch something put together by people all over the world. Some of the scenery was fantastic, and it was a blast to connect with people at that level. Unfortunately, I didn’t like some of the realism – people on toilets, animals slaughtered, surgeries, etc.


The Recruit


Everything is a test!

I enjoyed watching this, but that’s the only positive thing I can say. Forgettable and predictable.

⇠ Favorite Films Seen in 2011

Interesting Sites – 1/8/2012 ⇢