⇠ Hair Metal Mondays – Here I go Again

Fun Friday – Field Hockey Champs ⇢

Fargo Rocks!

I’ve been paying attention to what Small Picture has been working on since Dave first let the cat out of the bag. I’m a long time fan of Dave’s work and writing. We don’t always agree on details, but I think in outlines, I support open protocols, and I like tools that are simple but powerful.

I started using Fargo to create all kinds of outlines as soon as it was released, and I wrote a quick Python script to translate one of my outlines into a simple text format for the Taskpaper iOS app, which also syncs with Dropbox.

But I had really only played with the possibility of using Fargo to publish blog posts. Mostly because I was afraid of my tendency to obsess and the urge I might face to move my blog over to a new place. I knew I would be tempted to do that, and I suspected my time would be better used on something else.

Meanwhile, I’ve been kicking around two new projects for which I might want to use Fargo.

So I decided to take the day yesterday and look into the scripting, Trex, and learn more about what Fargo can really do.
I’m stoked! And I thought of at least one new project I should look into.

I may or may not move my blog to Fargo. There are a few more open questions on that front, but I’m learning in that direction. :)

and I cross-posted this over there.

⇠ Hair Metal Mondays – Here I go Again

Fun Friday – Field Hockey Champs ⇢