⇠ Daily Links

Daily Links ⇢


I signed up for ginx.com yesterday and I enjoyed checking it out.

There are at least three things I like.

  1. Links are expanded and titles are displayed
As a [bit.ly][1] user I’d prefer people click on the shortened link but I know there is nothing I can do to have control over that and it’s only a preference.

As a user, I love to be able to see the real link before clicking. I tend to agree with [Dave Winer][2] that this is easy to do and Twitter will certainly add this. At the very least, Twitter clients will add this feature.

I’ve also noticed that not all links are expanded – [screen shot][3].
  1. It keeps track of the links I’ve clicked
I never really thought of having this as part of the Twitter experience but several times I’ve used [search.twitter.com][4] to find a link I’d opened. In most cases I did this so I could remember who posted the link, which brings me to what is by far my favorite feature.
  1. It gives me an easy way to reply or retweet after I’ve read the page linked to
I love this feature.

Frequently, I click on links in tweets and I want to review the content later. Until now, If I wanted to @reply on the content I would have to go back and find the original post using [search.twitter.com][4] as noted above. Now I have a much better option. The links open a framed page with information in the top frame about the user who posted the link and an easy way to reply, dm, or retweet after I’ve read the page ([screen shot][5]).

⇠ Daily Links

Daily Links ⇢