⇠ Every Family Has A Secret

The Hobbit ⇢

God’s Politics

Scripture is filled with admonitions to fight for peace and justice in our world. To care for the elderly, the sick, the captives, and the poor.

So, why do so many Christians actively support candidates who care very little about those issues? Why do so many Christians actively work against the campaigns of other candidates who seek to represent those who are under-represented? Why have modern American Christians decided to fight for one or two social issues and ignore the rest?

These may not be exactly the questions Jim Wallis raises in his book but they are questions I’ve struggled with for a long time and this book reinforces my stand that Christians should speak up for those among us that need our help. Mr. Wallis sheds light on possible answers to these questions, but more importantly he stresses that not all Christians are represented by the very loud voices which act as though they speak on our behalf. There are many Christians who still stand for peace and justice in the world and we need for our voices to be heard over all the noise.

I understand that these issues transcend religious faith. Many people, Christian or not, myself included, are not necessarily comfortable with a government run solution to every problem. My problem is not working against social programs as much as it is the absence of real Christian debate on the subject. Why are there not more Christians who stand on the scriptures which tell us to care for the poor? Why are more of us not asking – honestly – should we do more as a society for the poor? If we can legislate one moral issue, why not another?

The good news is that this debate is starting to pick up steam. Jim Wallis and others like him have been spreading the word that the religious right does not speak for all religious people.

⇠ Every Family Has A Secret

The Hobbit ⇢