⇠ Class Warfare?

January – Movie Month ⇢

GOP Wide Open Now?

Last night’s Republican debate may have made this a much more interesting primary year.

I agree with most commentators that a Gingrich win on Tuesday in Florida would almost seal his chance for victory. It will demonstrate that his win in South Carolina may not have been an accident and it will help voters rally around one candidate. I don’t agree, however, that this is necessarily a good thing. I know voters would like to settle on a candidate they can all get behind, but I think finding the right candidate is more important than finding one quickly. I think a long hard-fought primary with several contenders is a good thing.

Which is why I so much enjoyed last night’s debate. It’s the first one I’ve watched, and I have to believe that it could blow the whole thing open. What I expected, as most others did I presume, was for Romney or Gingrich to “run away” with the debate. They both went into the debate virtually tied and well out in front of the other two, they both are skilled politicians, at least one of them is brilliant (though both of them fall victim to pseudo-science and hogwash), and they both have better than average debate skills. What I saw was the two of them locked in attacks against one another, allowing the other two to be heard.

Before I start in on what I liked and didn’t like, I have to tip my hand – I absolutely can’t stand two of these guys (Romney and Gingrich), and I think another (Santorum) might be a nice guy but some of his policies scare the devil out of me (and some of his campaign behavior has been expedient at best). I think Paul should be the nominee, but that doesn’t mean I would vote for him against Obama.

Now for a rundown.

Rick Santorum

If you have to choose a winner, Santorum was it.

What I Liked

His admonition of the personal attacks in answers to questions was, in a word, brilliant. As a strategy to win the crowd and the debate, it was brilliant, but it worked even better than he could have planned because I think he really meant it. I think he was truly aggravated. It was nice to see that kind of passion and I think it gave him the confidence he needed to speak his mind on other issues.

I also liked that he pointed out how many times in the past he has been right or on the right side of the issues while the other candidates were not. I also liked how he emphasized that government does not give us rights – God does. I don’t want Santorum’s brand of theocracy, but he was right about that.

What I Didn’t Like

His characterization of Obama. It might have been good strategy, but I don’t like that he panders to the stereotypes and fears people have – “Chavez, Castro, and Obama,” Really?

The “global warming hoax” ?

“I believe in faith and reason.” Um, no you don’t.

Newt Gingrich

What I Liked

I haven’t read the details of his immigration plans, but it sounded reasonable – though not as reasonable as Paul’s, in my opinion, and I did NOT like the way he attacked Romney on this.

What I Didn’t Like

Mr. Gingrich is hung up on his own brilliance so much sometimes, that he forgets to behave. I was absolutely sick over his attempt to hop on the Santorum wagon as an excuse to not answer questions about attacks he made against Romney. Santorum was right, the candidates were spending too much time attacking one another, but that doesn’t mean that the moderator cannot ask questions about attacks made in other forums. Gingrich had an opportunity to defend himself and he did not.

There was much more. Others have described him better than I …

He sounded bad, he looked bad, and generally came across like a weasel who had finally been cornered by Animal Control.Newt loses it</p> </blockquote>

From the very beginning of his career, he has always had the mind of an undisciplined grad student and the soul of Boss Tweed. It’s not always easy to tell if he wants raw political power in order to peddle his pseudo-scientific theories, his revisionist historical notions, and his bad fiction—or the reverse. He definitely has a queasy affinity for schemes to wield terrestrial power from beyond the earth’s atmosphere, from his early enthusiasm for space weaponry to his lifelong admiration for Asimov’s Foundation trilogy.

His lunar colony pledge might be harmless or at least amusing if he were not in the habit of lecturing poor people on the hard realities of personal responsibility, and scoffing at those types of public investment that don’t engage his interest in warfare or some other form of domination. As it is, his speech down in Cocoa is mainly a sign that he’s now confident enough of victory in Florida primary that he’s inviting voters into his private club house and showing them his comic books. Gingrich’s Moon Shot</p> </blockquote>

Newt Gignrich is a Saul Alinsky Republican

Mitt Romney

What I Liked

I like that he didn’t let Gingrich beat him up. He may not have done a great job explaining his immigration policies (and I may not agree with them), but he stood up for them.

I also liked that he pointed out Gingrich’s excuse making.

Wouldn’t it be nice if people didn’t make accusations somewhere else?


What I Didn’t Like

I don’t trust this guy. Perhaps it is my bias against mormonism, but I don’t believe a word this guy says and I don’t like the way he hides behind technicalities.

Ron Paul

What I Liked

If Paul were not hooked on the fiction that the private sector can solve everyone’s problem, I would be campaigning for him door to door. I wish he would apply his distrust for government to other forms of institutionalized power.

With that caveat, I agreed with everything he said last night.

And this line …

This subject does not interest me a whole lot. The question does.


What I Didn’t Like

I think he could have done a better job explaining his immigration policies. Perhaps leaving out the details was a good strategy move, but I think he could have separated himself from the others a bit more. I also think he missed a huge opportunity on the “why you can defeat Obama?” question. In my opinion, he is the only candidate that is not exactly like Obama – he should have been more clear pointing that out.

⇠ Class Warfare?

January – Movie Month ⇢