⇠ As you go,

The People Business ⇢

Hunting vs. Fishing

I wanted to pick up my discussion of pastor’s message from Sunday. If I had left church and had only learned about “as you go,” I would have learned a lot. There was more to the message though, and it reminded me of Dad even more. Pastor talked about the Bilical model for making disciples fishing. Most people try to make disciples by hunting instead. People naturally fight against being hunted just like animals do. Think about the difference between hunting and fishing. When one hunts, he hides and tries to catch the animal by surprise. When one fishes, he offers the fish bait. As the fish bites, he tries to catch the fish. Now I realize that all analogies break down and obviously the fish is not happy with the ultimate outcome of being caught in the throat with a hook, but we should learn something from the difference. My parents have always been a great example to me of good fishing. There were many people who were introduced to the gospel as a result of my parents goings. They were both also involved in normal ministries of the church but the real work of the great commission was done by fishing. When I was in college we called this “meeting people where they were.” People have real needs. People want to know that they matter. If we can help people meet the needs in their lives, we can reach them with the real message. Pastor even pointed out a couple of websites to help us learn how to integrate faith in the workplace. How 21st century of him.

⇠ As you go,

The People Business ⇢