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I haven’t eaten since later this afternoon

I love the idea of time travel and am fascinated by the paradoxes it may or may not cause. Primer is a movie that addresses these paradoxes head-on. It’s a must see movie for anyone who likes time travel. Hang on, it’s a wild ride.

Since the ladies are away for a few days, Billy and I decided to have some good sci-fi stuff around to watch. He already had Primer on hand and four eps of
The X Files ( season two ), but we wanted to maximize our time so we sent Primer back without watching it. This would get us another disc sooner and we could watch Primer via Netflix on Xbox Live.

After watching it on Saturday, we found The 10-Step Method to Watch Primer and Really Understand It.

  1. Watch the movie: if you get really confused – great, that’s part of it.

I’ll say we were confused! That’s what sent us looking online for explanations. Now we knew what to do next.

  1. Watch the movie again: still confused? Good. You did step 2 so you can better understand step 3.
  2. Look at this timeline chart: http://neuwanstein.fw.hu/primer_timeline.html
    Read over it twice.

The comments point out four other timelines and we reviewed three of those (fourth no longer available) too. Billy prefers a more narrative understanding of the movie and preferred this one. I like the dates and times so I preferred this one, which is low on speculation and very succinct. The third is an interesting take loaded with speculation – fine with me. :)

Can’t move on to step four until we get a DVD copy again. We checked a local store and didn’t find it so I’ve ordered my copy. Amazon’s DFC is just a few miles from here so it’s actually posssilbe I will get it tomorrow (even though it’s Sunday), but we can wait a few days if we must.

I’m sure I will have more to say about this one another time. :)

Go, watch it! There is a “ten step” program for you if you need it.

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