⇠ What I Learned in 2010

Best and Worst Books I Read in 2010 ⇢

I Want my 99 cents back

I am a theist but I believe wholeheartedly that our universe was created in a big bang and has evolved over billions of years. I also have no reason to question the current scientific consensus that all life on this planet evolved from a common ancestor over the last several billion years. As a matter of fact, I find the whole idea of evolution to be an incredible example of our Creator’s omnipotence.

So when I found myself on an app downloading spree a few weeks ago I decided to purchase an app titled “Evolution Debater” for my iPad. I thought I might use it and I thought it would be nice to support the developer.

A few days ago I tried it for the first time and I was very disappointed. I develop apps myself so I would normally not complain about an app which cost me only 99 cents but this app is different. It made me angry. Since I am going to complain anyway, I’ll write a quick review.


The app is a simple collection of questions about evolution and answers in support of evolutionary theories. According to the developer “it is meant to help teach others about evolution and help in debates in favor of evolution.”

The Good

  1. The answers to most of the questions are, in my opinion, very solid.
  2. Only $0.99 for iPad, free for iPhone.
  3. Fair treatment of intelligent design. I am not really a supporter of the ID “movement” but I like to see fair treatment.

The Bad

  1. There only 26 questions listed and one could argue that one does not belong.
  2. The app has a few typos – I am sure this post does too. :)

This translates to low value in my book. Compare this to my last iPhone/iPad project to see what you can get for $0.99.

The Ugly

Almost dead center among the “questions” is something which reads “Unfulfilled Prophecy.” Tapping on it reveals an “answer” that begins with “The Bible misinterprets its own prophecies” and then goes on in an attempt to discredit the “alleged Word of God.”

I really wouldn’t mind if someone wanted to have an open debate on these issues but I was furious that someone would stick that in there. We have enough problems with Christians fighting amongst themselves over ridiculous assertions about “creation science” – we don’t need this.

I want my 99 cents back!

⇠ What I Learned in 2010

Best and Worst Books I Read in 2010 ⇢