⇠ Hi-Ho Silver, please go away!

Never get older ⇢

I want my blanket!

World War Z

Mother Nature is a serial killer.

I left the theather very pleasantly surprised. This film was much better than I was expecting.

After hearing fantastic things about the audiobook, I picked it up as my monthly audible.com choice several years ago. At least twice I started over at the beginning again, but I never made it more than halfway through. I love the humorous tone of the book, and the voice actors were fantastic, but I couldn’t get past listening to the language. Perhaps I wouldn’t have minded in writing, and I don’t normally wince at heavy language in a film ( in proper context ), but something about listing to people cuss in my headphones while I’m on the treadmill or walking the dog didn’t really work for me.

I was intrigued when I learned that Brad Pitt was going to put this out as a film, but I was very curious how he would recreate the tone of the book. Turns out he doesn’t really try. I don’t want to give anything away, but in my opinion it was very well done.

Pitt, of course, was fantastic, and the other performances were very solid.

If you ask me, the film didn’t fully develop the issue of main character’s family as they dealt with him being away from them doing very dangerous work during very perilous times. Otherwise, it was a very good film.

The sequal – if there is one ;) – doesn’t hold as much promise, but I’ll probably go see it.

Why I see so many movies, including bad ones, in the theater.


⇠ Hi-Ho Silver, please go away!

Never get older ⇢