⇠ Family Friday – Kids on the Road

Hair Metal Mondays: Round and Round ⇢

You’ve Got A Great Imagination


There are things more important than the truth.

A hilarious film about the complicated relationship between a father and son who have chosen to dedicate their lives to the study of religious manuscripts which, evidently, have taught them very little about how to live. Hilarious and thought provoking.


The American

I do what I’m good at.

A perfect film that reminded me a lot of both a Hemmingway novel and a Samurai tale. Everything about this movie was perfect, inluding, of course, Clooney’s performance.


Marvel’s The Avengers

You people are so petty… and tiny.

As I’ve said many times before, I’m not really a huge fan of super heroes, but I did look forward to seeing this film. It was a lot of fun to watch, and it was great to see the heroes together on screen. It was also nice to finally see the Hulk done well.


The Adjustment Bureau

Who the hell are you guys?

An entertaining film about the nature of free will and destiny. In the end, the rules just don’t add up, but it’s a lot of fun anyway.



How hard is it to punch a paper ballot?

Not only did I live through this fiasco, but my son tells me that I’ve seen this film before. I don’t remember the film, but I remember the events very well. Dern, who I think is always fantastic, played Harris brilliantly. Roger Ebert thinks the most fascinating part of her character is that she wielded so much influence without seeming to know what she was doing. I agree that Dern played the part like that, but I think Harris was acting in real life too. She had to have had some idea what she was a part of.



They keep you guessing, they keep you thinking, they keep you fresh.

I’m glad I pushed myself to make it through the first twenty minutes. It turned out to be quite a story. I’m not sure about some of the details, but that’s all I’m going to say.


Horrible Bosses

I don’t have sleeve gloves

Part sheer slapstick comedy, part raunch-fest. Inappropriate in the extreme. You’ve been warned.


⇠ Family Friday – Kids on the Road

Hair Metal Mondays: Round and Round ⇢