⇠ Link Roundup

Great Site: Understanding Science ⇢

Is Intelligent Design Science?

On Saturday I finished reading an interesting post at Thinking Christian. It was the latest in a seven part series covering Intelligent Design and Creationism. I don’t agree with everything the author states but he does a great job laying out what he believes to be the difference between the two movements and in some respects he is “thinking out loud” (he may even state as much in one of his comments). After reviewing the entire series again and a few other articles on the same topic, I am now more certain than ever that Intelligent Design has no place in a science classroom – even in a Christian school.

If you’re not familiar with my background, I attended a fundamentalist Christian high school where we were taught the tenets of Young-Earth Creationism. I never really accepted all of that but I do believe in the personal God of the Bible and in His plan for my redemption. I also believe that the universe was brought into existence by God via the big bang and that what we see today is a result of billions of years of evolution since that time. I have no problem with the theory of common descent. As a matter of fact, I see a lot of majesty in the process of evolution – but more on that Wednesday (or later).

Don’t discount me as a creationist kook. I’ve said for years that I am not. I happen to believe wholeheartedly in God but not because I can’t explain the universe. I have a lot more to say about this series and the topic in general. I will try to get my thoughts together for an essay to be published Wednesday, but for now I wanted to share some links.

Are ID and Creationism the Same Thing?

The author makes a great case that they are not, but my problem is that many Young-Earthers claim ID as their movement. This is a huge problem in my mind. As usual, Dr. David Heddle skillfully states my position better than I can here.

Is ID Science, Religion, or Something Else?

Another author points out that the ID movement is a political movement and I have to agree.

So, Science or Not?

Some readers won’t find this article as funny as I did, but it really does drive home the point that ID is not science.

⇠ Link Roundup

Great Site: Understanding Science ⇢