⇠ Hair Metal Mondays: Round and Round

Possible Interpretations of Genesis Chapter One ⇢

Is Obama Giving Foreigners Our Jobs?

I’m a big fan of what our President has done about immigration. I know a lot of people are upset about it, but it seems like the right thing to do. I wanted to just take a few minutes to address what seem to be the two most frequent objections to the President’s announcement.

First, there are those that think the President is overstepping his authority on this by not passing this through Congress. It certainly would be better to make this the law of the land, but that’s been tried before and there is a group of Republicans who refuse to let it happen. In my opinion, the President did what he had to do by announcing that his administration would simply choose not to prosecute. That’s all he did. There is nothing unconstitutional or illegal here at all.

Second, and I think the biggest objection people have, boils down to “Obama is giving our jobs to foreigners.”


No one is giving these people jobs. At most, they are being “given” the same thing we all are given – the “opportunity” to earn those jobs. Isn’t that what free market loving capitalists all want. What’s the problem?

Foreigners? Aren’t we all? Isn’t immigration what made this country what it is today? What are we afraid of?

What’s “ours” is “theirs” – we are all in this together. I don’t know any other way to say it. America is supposed to be the land of opportunity. Everyone should have the chance to earn his or her own way. Everyone deserves a share in the dream. If they join us, they are part of us. There is no us vs. them.

If you ask me.

⇠ Hair Metal Mondays: Round and Round

Possible Interpretations of Genesis Chapter One ⇢