⇠ Great Ideas – 6/27/2011

Two Cents Each – 7/15/2011 ⇢

Leftover Movie Reviews

I’ve seen a few movies lately that I may not have time to review but I wanted to share a few thoughts anyway.

The first two probably deserve a full review, perhaps if I have time someday. :)

Tree of Life

Tell us a story from before we can remember.

This is a brilliant film that tells the story of life from the beginning of time until the very end while exploring the very essence of human existence. The characters take a back seat to the imagery in the film, but the acting is all very solid. Pitt and Penn are both fantastic! Of course, right?


The Company Men

My life ended and nobody noticed.

The film is almost depressingly realistic and timely. If the economy has hit you hard and you need a film to escape from that, be careful choosing this film. The film features three men who at different ages and positions in life must deal with a dose of reality. Affleck, Cooper, and Jones portray these men expertly and the different reactions of the men raises interesting questions about the nature of ambition, self-worth, and passion.


Kung Fu Panda 2

But how can kung fu defeat something that destroys kung fu?

I enjoyed the first one and could make the argument that this one was even better – until the last scene. I don’t want to spoil it but something is added just at the end which appears to be material on which to base a sequel. It may be very popular with mainstream audiences (probably a good movie for an animated film), but I wish they would not have done it.


I Am Number Four

I hope you can throw with your left arm.

The trailer made me want to see it (mysterious women showing up to raise hell, etc.) but I didn’t expect an excellent movie. The real thing turned out to be better than I expected, but not a great film.


The A-Team

I love it when a plan comes together.

Make no mistake. This is a bad movie – just not as bad as I expected.


The Tourist

You’re ravenous.

The plot is ridiculous but the stars look great and the scenery is fantastic.

The film reminded me of the films of the 50s and 60s and I enjoyed that very much. It is not your typical modern thriller with non-stop action but the mystery, romance, and silliness of it all was a lot of fun. It would have been a fabulous movie but for one major flaw – Johnny Depp.



maybe it’s better to hold stuff back

This film absolutely surprised me. I expected nothing but disappointment.

The film deals intelligently with the subject of life after death but it does so while leaving many questions unanswered. Instead of tackling the issues head on or in a way that sensationalizes, Eastwood focuses on how traumatic events affect real people. In my opinion, he does a masterful job.

I was pleasantly surprised at the ending too. Though any serious film buff will see the multiple stories being woven together to reach some serendipitous conclusion, that conclusion didn’t turn out to be exactly what I was expecting – but it was close. :)


X-Men: First Class

Don’t touch my hair!

I was looking forward to this one since I like creation stories and prequels most of the time, but this one was disappointing overall. The only redeeming feature is the over-the-top, James Bond type villain played by the always excellent Kevin Bacon. If you like a good villain, this film is worth watching.


⇠ Great Ideas – 6/27/2011

Two Cents Each – 7/15/2011 ⇢