⇠ Great Site: How To Become A Hacker

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize – I Agree with Bill O’Reilly? ⇢

Link Roundup

The Case Against Apple–in Five Parts
Jason raises some excellent questions – questions many of us have been talking about for years.
The 7 vices of highly creative people
So, your bad habits might be a sign of creative genius.
Happy (alleged) Birthday Mr. President
Very funny.
Five Ways to Fix Netflix
An interesting list of suggestions which actually reinforce what an excellent service NetFlix is.
Why My Wife Doesn’t Cook Dinner
So many people fail to consider opportunity costs. This is a simple example of how that might lead you to do the wrong thing.
Should Wedding Party In Viral YouTube Video Get A Cut Of Music Sale Profits?
No, they should not. I understand the point being made here and I agree that if anyone is going to claim right to profit it might be them but this is where the absurdity of intellectual properties leads
Why The FCC Wants To Smash Open The iPhone
Smash it open!

⇠ Great Site: How To Become A Hacker

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize – I Agree with Bill O’Reilly? ⇢