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Not what the lawyers will allow, but what the public deserves ⇢

Miers Focused on Policy

Everything I read convinces me she is a good lawyer, and will probably make a good judge.

“She appeared to have an innate sense of fairness,” recalled lawyer Sam Baxter, who lost the Microsoft case to Miers. “She was not doctrinaire.”from the Washington Post – As a Lawyer, Miers Focused on Policy

I found one paragraph of the Post article particularly interesting:

Her one foray into the controversial social subjects that can animate the high court was her work as a member of the ABA to get the organization to withdraw its official support for abortion rights. Her colleagues said that stemmed from her belief that the national association of lawyers should not take a stance on abortion and other issues that are matters of personal conscience.

I have nothing here to go on except her colleagues opinion of her intentions. If this is her opinion on the matter, I agree. Certainly, lawyers should not take such a stand. Judges, on the other hand, should support abortion rights for the same reason – it is a matter of personal conscience.

⇠ Google Starts Up Philanthropy Campaign

Not what the lawyers will allow, but what the public deserves ⇢