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Harriet Miers

A lot of people have a lot to say about the nomination of Harriet Miers.George Will doesn’t like her because she is a woman. We can dismiss his opinion as what one would expect from someone with his view of women.Many have raised issue with her involvement in her evangelical church, including a few writers at The Washington Post and The New York Times. David Kuo, a former White House staffer, likes her and points out that her involvement with her church is a good thing. Her church membership indicates character and “character matters,” according to Kuo.Reading all of this just makes it more and more clear to me that her qualifications, experience and mastery of the law will make her a good justice (or a bad one). Her involvement in her church may make her a bad justice, but maybe it makes her a good justice. We simply do not know. We do know, however, that qualified lawyers with experience and good mastery of the law usually make good judges. Seems very simple to me.Of course, we all know the question is really about abortion. Many people feel that her involvement with a church that is vocally pro-life will influence her interpretation of the law. The fact that she will not answer questions about how she would rule in a case seems to concern many. The fact that many people feel as though she should ‘tip her hand’ indicates that they do not understand how decisions are supposed to be made in court, which incidentally points out how poorly they would do as judges. Making a decision on a case without the benefits of the facts is bad judgement, plain and simple. I don’t want a justice who knows how she would rule on a case ahead of time. Do You?In the midst of all this confusion many fail to realize that being a Christian, evangelical, or even a pro-lifer does not mean you would overturn Roe. Justice Nathan Hecht, a member of the Texas Supreme Court and a close friend of Miers (‘on-again, off-again boyfriend’ according to the Washington Post) who describes Miers as ‘pro-life’, said this:

You can be just as pro-life as the day is long and can decide the Constitution requires Roe to be upheld</p> Absolutely.

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