⇠ Two Cents Each – 6/24/2011

Interesting Sites – 6/26/2011 ⇢

Movie Review: Waiting for “Superman”

Waiting for “Superman” is very well done documentary film about a very complex problem which faces our nation and threatens to affect all of us – even those who do not send their own children to public school. There most certainly is something wrong with our system. This film does an excellent job pointing that out but unfortunately it does not present a real solution.


Either the kids are getting stupider every year, or something is wrong in the education system.

The Good

Davis Guggenheim and Participant Media teamed up once again to produce another documentary that, like An Inconvenient Truth before it, told two different stories. I wrote about this on Thursday but the filmmakers did an excellent job of telling both stories in such a way that the viewer is left emotionally connected to a problem that is sometimes ignored because it seems unsolvable.

The film also does an excellent job of defining the problem. The film makes several points, and I agree with all of them.

⇠ Two Cents Each – 6/24/2011

Interesting Sites – 6/26/2011 ⇢