⇠ Call Things by Their Right Name

The Third Chimpanzee ⇢

Music is all around us

All we have to do is listen.

August Rush is a modern fairy tale which I almost missed. I added it to my Netflix queue after hearing about it and quickly forgot about it. Later, I moved all the Blu-Ray movies to the top of my queue paying little attention paid to the movies. When this movie arrived I’d forgotten why I put in on my queue in the first place and the description didin’t do it justice – so I almost sent it back. 

Wow, am I glad we decided to watch it as a family. What a wonderful story! 

Music has always played an important role in my life and this film reminded me of that as well as the mystery of life’s connections. If you don’t understand how music has an impact on life, don’t see this movie. Everyone else – you should see this movie as soon as you can.

⇠ Call Things by Their Right Name

The Third Chimpanzee ⇢