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Not what the lawyers will allow, but what the public deserves

President Bush promised to give us what we deserve.I guess now we know what he thinks of us, don’t we.

Scandals Take Toll On Bush’s 2nd Term

Great quotes from the article:

“It looks like a perfect storm,” said Joseph E. diGenova, a Republican and former independent counsel, who noted that so many investigations can weigh on an administration. “People have no idea what happens when an investigation gets underway. It’s debilitating. It’s not just distracting. It’s debilitating. It’s like getting punched in the stomach.”

“The one that people are most worried about is Abramoff because it seems to have such long tentacles,”

“The Abramoff thing is a lingering nuisance to everybody,” said GOP lobbyist Charles Black. “I don’t know who else might be caught up in it.”

and my favorite:

The current atmosphere is not what Bush envisioned as a candidate in 2000.

Speaking of Abramoff. I think I remember him.

⇠ Miers Focused on Policy

Information Overload ⇢