⇠ Should We Cut Congressional Salaries?

A Kick Ass Philanthropist ⇢

Past Life

Recently I mentioned that I chose a project because my one and only Kickstarter follower had starred it. For the last two projects of this monthly challenge, I thought I would back projects which have been backed by two friends of mine who backed a project my son was involved in a few months ago.

Today’s project is a novel entitled Past Life, a project backed by Todd Jordan (someone I connected with on FriendFeed years ago).

See the rest of the projects I am backing this month over here and my backing history over here.

P.S. I actually have to back two projects today, since somehow I actually didn’t back one on Monday. I found it on Kickstarter, decided how much to chip in, posted all about it to my blog, but didn’t actually back it. Since I’m not doing that well with this month’s challenge, I am going to count it. :)

⇠ Should We Cut Congressional Salaries?

A Kick Ass Philanthropist ⇢