⇠ We Shouldn’t Blame Anyone but the Shooter

I’m as cynical as the next guy, BUT … ⇢

Sometimes You Just Don’t Know What to Say

WARNING: I’ve included a link to an article that uses very strong language. If that is going to bother you, you can still read this post – since I don’t talk like that – but don’t click the link.

My grandfather and and I agreed on very few things. One of them was what he used to say about foul language – “people talk like that because they are too ignorant to think of something intelligent to say.”

Sometimes, though, life throws something at you that you just don’t understand.

The Onion posted a story on the tragedy in Newtown that captures that sentiment exactly. As I’ve already said, if you know you won’t like the language – DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK.


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⇠ We Shouldn’t Blame Anyone but the Shooter

I’m as cynical as the next guy, BUT … ⇢