⇠ Delmarva Drops the Phone

PressurePen ⇢

Stop the Bleeding

Got an email form Kickstarter yesterday telling me that someone was “following” me. Turns out it’s a new feature.

So, today I decided to back a project which my solitary follower was backing or watching. The project I chose is Stop the Bleeding, a comedy webseries designed to help the hemophiliac community.

From the project page …

What is Stop The Bleeding!? It’s a comedic webseries centered around a proactive hemophiliac determined to improve the lives of those in the bleeding disorder community through an endless series of ill-conceived & poorly executed endeavors.  He’s well-intended and incredibly ambitious…if only he knew what he was doing.  Think: Michael Scott in The Office.

See the rest of the projects I am backing this month over here and my backing history over here.

⇠ Delmarva Drops the Phone

PressurePen ⇢