⇠ Great Sites – 2/18/2011

Great Ideas – 2/20/2011 ⇢

The Animated Shorts 2010

Every year we go as a family to see the Oscar nominated animated short films. Last Saturday we saw the animated films. I didn’t think this year’s crop was as good as previous years but I enjoyed all of them and thought I’d share a few thoughts.

Day & Night

A fun look at the friendship between nighttime and daytime. I’ve seen it three times and I chuckle every time but it doesn’t do much more for me than that.

The Lost Thing

This is place where things go to be forgotten.
A short film with outstanding art and a powerful message. This was my favorite of the films.

The Gruffalo

…and the nut was good.

A fable telling the story of a mouse who outwits three predators while on his quest to find a nut. A little longer than it needed to be, in my opinion.

Madagascar, Carnet de Voyage

An impressionistic travel journal of a tourists adventures in Madagascar and the favorite to win. The use of different types of visuals was brilliant but the lack of story is this film’s real drawback.

Let’s Pollute

Want it, waste it!

A fun educational film spoof promoting the benefits of consumer excess.

This year the theater is showing the animated and live actions on two separate weekends. I’ll post my thoughts on the live actions later – probably Monday.

⇠ Great Sites – 2/18/2011

Great Ideas – 2/20/2011 ⇢