⇠ Great Ideas – 1/9/2012

A Day on, Not a Day Off ⇢

Tim Tebow Is Different

Anybody who knows me, even casually, probably knows that I am suspicious of athletes thanking God after a game. I liken it to taking God’s name in vain. In my opinion, some athletes just use Jesus as a good luck charm.

I don’t think Tim Tebow does.

Since Tebow started making waves as an NFL quarterback, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend – people using Tebow’s success on the football field as a sign that Jesus is blessing him. All good things, including winning football games, come from God, but it doesn’t follow that winning a game indicates God’s favor. This line of “reasoning” bothers me on several levels, most notably that it is easily disproven with a dash of rational thinking, but the danger is the obvious corollary – that failure is a sign of God’s disapproval. I’ve seen signs in recent years that fewer Christians “think” this way, but I’m afraid many Christians are swept up in Tebowmania.

I don’t think Tim Tebow is.

Yes, I’m a Christian. Yes, I’m a Gator. Yes, Tebow and I lived in the same neck of the woods for a while. Yes, I’ve been a fan for almost ten years. Yes, I’ve always rooted for the Broncos and Elway in games that didn’t negatively affect my Jets. I’m convinced, though, that I’m being objective.

Tim Tebow IS different!

Do I agree with everything he says because he’s a Christian? No. Will I root for him next week simply because he is a beliver? No (Ravens are a local team with an even “localer” hero, and my daughter is a Texans fan).

But he is different, and we need more athletes like him!

⇠ Great Ideas – 1/9/2012

A Day on, Not a Day Off ⇢