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More about TiVO

I know I’ve raved about TiVO before but I thought I would take this opportunity to review it after some real use. We’ve had ours for about 14 months now and we all love it. It cannot be overstated how different TV viewing is now. We don’t know what we’d do without it. In the first place, we never pay any attention to when a show is on. Day, time, doesn’t matter. TiVO gets it for us and we watch it when we want. This was the driving reason behind our decision to get it. We have always liked to follow certain shows. We’ve had people snicker at us in the past when we’ve ‘admitted’ this, but to me our viewing habits have always been normal behavior. Many of the same people who snicker will plop in front of the tube and watch whatever is on. We have never done that. Nothing on? TV off. Now before you think I am talking about ‘worthwhile’ TV, let me set you straight. I am not trying to claim that I watch ‘good TV.’ I watch junk just like most people. I just like to select my junk. In the past we would have to think about what we might miss and/or tape to see later. No more!

My second favorite feature is more of a surprise to me. Rewind. This is awesome! We knew we’d like the pause and fast-forward, but rewind is much better. Sometimes I reach to rewind TV when I am watching at someone else’s house. I knew I was really hooked when I went to see Star Wars – Episode III, Revenge of the Sith. I wanted to see a good part again and I actually thought I could reach for the remote. I’m tellin’ ya, I am hooked. There are some things I would change if I could, and I’ll probably write about those later. It is still the best way to watch TV – no question. You gotta get one!

⇠ I am a statistic

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