⇠ Micro Persuasion: Twitter is Peaking

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Turn Multiple Links Into One

I’ve just stumbled upon two sites which provide a simple but very handy service. You can use each to turn a list of links into one link.

If you’ve ever needed to send a list of links to someone via e-mail or IM, you may have benefited from one of these services.

The sites are 1link.in and linkbun.ch. They are almost identical. On both sites you enter URLs one per line and click a button. This takes you to a page with a new link you can share. Clicking on that link takes will take your friends to a landing page that shows them the list of links so they can click on them separately, and a button which will open all the links at once in a tab enabled browser.

1link.in allows you to password protect your link, while linkbun.ch allows you to click a special link on the landing page that copies the links to the clipboard.

Giving your users the option to open all links at once is nice, but I was looking for something that would save me a bit of time so I put together a simple app to give me more what I was looking for you. You can check it out over here.

⇠ Micro Persuasion: Twitter is Peaking

Daily Links ⇢