⇠ Resistance is Futile

Why I Changed My Political Views on Facebook ⇢

Two Cents Each – 10/4/2010

Does this loop ever end? (Scripting News)
I could not agree more. Closed will never win.
Church Marketing Sucks: Thou Shall Twitter in Church
I don’t have a problem with Twittering in church as much as I do Twittering while in the company of others and while one should be listening and meditating. On the other hand, sharing something does help make it real. I would not be against using Twitter during church as long as I knew it wasn’t a distraction from why I am there – which could easily be the case I think.
Conan O’Brien and Jack White Record Live Album – Spinner
Who wouldn’t buy this?
Seth’s Blog: Hourly work vs. linchpin work
“That’s quite an hourly wage. It’s also quite a bargain.” Very well said.
Rands In Repose: How to Write a Book
Must read for anyone who would like to right a book.
This is a news website article about a scientific finding
This is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time. Bravo!
Don’t Listen To Stupid People
Could not agree more!
You’re Not an Entrepreneur
“I do not think it means what you think it means.” Great stuff!

⇠ Resistance is Futile

Why I Changed My Political Views on Facebook ⇢