⇠ Special Revelation vs. Natural Revelation

Three Great Movies This Week ⇢

Two Cents Each – 5/24/2012

The Definitive Christian Review of The Hunger Games « YINKAHDINAY
"Was the violence gratuitous and overly graphic?  That depends what you’re measuring it against.  Compared to the Berenstain Bears or the Hardy Boys, yes, it was way over the top.  Compared to Ehud’s exploits in Judges, not so much." Very well said. :)
The devaluation of everything: The perils of panflation | The Economist
I never really thought about how all of this is a symptom of the same problem. It is happening in every area, and we don’t notice.
Spirit Airlines, Where "Dying Of Cancer" Equals "Not Following The Rules" – The Consumerist
I absolutely hate it when companies hide behind policies and the "if we do it for you …" defense. Policies exist to protect the airline from unpredictable loss, but they can be broken on a case by case basis. Give the guy his $197 back and get back to important business.
Analytics Reveal 13 New Basketball Positions | Playbook | Wired.com
There are fewer things I enjoy more than the intersection of sports and math. Excellent stuff!
The Campus Tsunami – NYTimes.com
Things are changing, and it is going to happen quickly!
How far some parents go to get a job . . . for their kids – USATODAY.com
No doubt some kids don’t want a job, but I think this problem stems from parents who try to do too much for their kids through their entire lives. Some kids probably don’t realize it’s okay for them to take initiative.
Are you neglecting your kids because of your smartphone? – The Globe and Mail
A very real danger. Fortunately, I didn’t get a cell phone until about the time my kids were both ready for one. All four of us are using our phones a lot, and I think we’ve cultivated an environment where it’s okay to use them in moderation. All four of us are also averse to interruptions so we tend not to use them during dinner, etc.
VP of Palo Alto’s SAP Arrested in LEGO Bar Code Scam | NBC Bay Area
There are so many things I love about this story. I know people steal for other reasons, but LEGOs are expensive, yet so very desirable. It is no surprise that people go to such lengths to steal them. It also tells you something when you can lower the price of an item and the cashier doesn’t notice. Perhaps the item is overpriced to begin with?


⇠ Special Revelation vs. Natural Revelation

Three Great Movies This Week ⇢