⇠ Vacation Pics

Big Birthday ⇢

Visit with Dad

On Saturday I had a chance to visit Dad’s grave. It was my first opportunity to see the stone. It is very nice. You did a good job, Mom! After my visit I was at my brother’s home for the rest of my nephews birthday party. As the kids were preparing for bed, we discussed the The DaVinci code. My brother read it first and forced his wife and me and Terri to read it. We talked about how much Dad would have not liked the book but how nice it would have been to discuss with him the contents of it. He would have loved that discussion. Having discussions like that without him is hard for me. I miss Dad very much. This week has been hard. My wife’s birthday is just around the corner. She and Dad were very close and she keeps remarking how much harder this is than she imagined it would be. I know my birthday in January was the toughest day yet for me. Just today I almost picked up the phone to call him again. I had a simple question about cooking. People have warned me about this but I can’t believe how my mind plays tricks on me like that!

⇠ Vacation Pics

Big Birthday ⇢