⇠ They are not looking out for you

We Shouldn’t Blame Anyone but the Shooter ⇢

We All Do the Same Stupid Sh*t

I think I’m a pretty smart guy. My mom always said so.

Seriously, people think I’m smart. I had a friend in college who used to introduce me as the smartest person she ever met, and people are always saying things like “you’re a genius” so, naturally, I started to think my mother was right ( I *am* special ).

The truth is, maybe I’m not so smart.

I think it was Dennis Miller who I first heard say “we all do the same stupid sh*t.”

The other day I was going to use the toaster, and I grabbed it like this.

my hand in a toaster

I knew my daughter had just pulled something out of it. I knew it was hot.

So there you go.

⇠ They are not looking out for you

We Shouldn’t Blame Anyone but the Shooter ⇢