⇠ The People Business

Justice Sunday ⇢

What Must I do?

I’ve really been thinking about the pastor’s messages from the last two Sundays. I realized today that Mom’s conversion is a testimony to the things I’ve been thinking about. When I was very young we moved to Atlantic City so Dad could get to work without a car. Not long after we moved just outside the city. I’m not sure if we had a car by then, but that is not important right now. Anyway, Brian was very young and Mom knew she wanted to have him baptized. She looked in the phone book for a church. She had two “needs” at that time. One, she wanted a Methodist church. Two, she wanted a church with air conditioning. She found such a place and went to visit. The pastor’s message was exactly what she needed to hear. Paul was in prison. An earthquake came and Paul was released. A prison guard asked Paul, “What must I do to be saved?” The pastor pointed out that Sunday morning that this guard may not have been asking how to be “saved,” but rather how to be saved from the earthquake. BUT, the answer is the same either way. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.”It doesn’t matter what we think we need. We need Jesus.

⇠ The People Business

Justice Sunday ⇢