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You think we can squeeze one more cliche in this film?

White House Down

Yeah, me neither

A terrible film with three redeeming features …

  1. Joey King – The film portrays a young girl who is more than just a spoiled little brat. We also see a strong, smart, self-motivated female character. She was fantastic.
  2. A father trying to live up to his daughter’s expectations – As a dad, I’m a sucker for stories like this.
  3. Humor – some of it silly, sure, but the film made me laugh.

NOTE: I happen to really like Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx, and James Woods, and I love Maggie G, but I might have preferred not to see them in this film. No doubt other performances would have been inferior to Foxx and Woods, but this film is so bad it probably wouldn’t have mattered.

Why I see so many movies, including bad ones, in the theater.


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Hair Metal Mondays – FREE! ⇢