⇠ Do you see what I see?

Best of 2012 ⇢

Your problem, not mine

I read this post the other day which features a letter sent in by an employee of a photography company that hosts Santa at the shopping mall every year.

Her contention is that bringing your kids to see Santa and not buying photographs is like stealing from her and her company. I know this was just some elf who works for one of these companies. She doesn’t speak for her employer or any other company, but my suspicion is that this is a common sentiment for many in that business.

I don’t buy it.

This is another one of those cases where someone is complaining about the very nature of the business in which they participate. The truth is that many parents have access to professional grade cameras, and they either have the artistic sensibility to take a good picture or they don’t care about that at all and just want pictures of the cutest kids on the planet – their own – with Santa. If they can take a picture, and that’s what they want, then more power to ‘em.

If footing the bill for Santa’s visit to the mall doesn’t cut it for you financially, step aside and let someone else do it.


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⇠ Do you see what I see?

Best of 2012 ⇢