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Great Ideas – 1/7/2011 ⇢

Best and Worst Books I Read in 2010

Since I’ve neglected my blog for so long, I have a list of books queued up that I’d like to review. I will certainly review some of these in the weeks.

What the Dog Saw

Were it not for this project, I may not have chosen to read this or the next two books. This was a fascinating read. It explores what Publishers Weekly calls “the hidden extraordinary.”


While this book falls flat at the end (in my opinion), it was one of my favorite books of the year. I find myself referring to information from it all the time in conversation. I highly recommend it.

Have a Little Faith

I’ve already reviewed this but I couldn’t put this list up without making note of it. It was much better than I expected out of this kind of book. An easy read – very well worth your time.


An enlightening and terrifying look into the life of Andre Agassi. I always liked this guy and now I have some idea why.

Stones Into Schools

A continuation of the story of Three Cups of Tea by the same author. Read that first and then read this book. The author’s commitment to do something important no matter what the consequences is inspiring.

When the Game Was Ours

Very disappointing. I was a big fan while they played the game but that wasn’t enough to make this book worth reading.

I Am Ozzy

The great and powerful Ozzy tries desperately to remember details from his thirty plus years as the prince of darkness. Unfortunately, his memory is shot. The only redeeming feature in this book is that it was clearly written (dictated) by Ozzy himself (unlike the previously mentioned book which was almost certainly not written by Bird and Johnson).

The Others

There are other books I read that are not worth mentioning and still more I did not get a chance to read. I’ve made a wishlist of the books I’d like to read eventually.

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Great Ideas – 1/7/2011 ⇢